Friday 20 September 2013

Making your everyday life Magikal...

Magik is all around us, it surrounds everything and everyone- all we have to do is become tuned in to it to feel the great effects it can have on our every day life. Magik isn't just present in our rituals or within our sacred circles- its absolutely everywhere!! 

Sometimes in our hectic busy life schedules its very hard to find the time to put aside to practise Magik- casting a circle with all the tools and props can take alot of preparation and in turn be quite time consuming. It took me a while to realise this wasn't all necessary to bring magik into our lives on a daily basis- there are so many very simple yet effective ways you can lead a magical life with hardly any preparation at all... I would love to share a few of my ideas with you all. 

Divine Dialogue

For those of you who have never heard of Charming Pixie Flora- I would strongly suggest you check out her youtube videos- she helped me so much when I first started on my pagan path, she has such a positive energy about her and her videos are really inspiring. In one of her videos she talks about daily divine dialogue. Its all about talking to not only the goddess and god but to our spirit guides, our animal guides, the elementals, the Fae.. and so on. Communication is essential- and we can all do this on a daily basis but just talking to them. I usually do this in my car- Ill chat away to the Goddess giving my thanks and asking for anything I require at the time. If we don't ask we don't get- it really is that simple. Ill link Charming Pixie Floras video below (I promise all of her videos are worth a watch!!)

5 Minute Morning Affirmations 

Every morning spend 5 minutes making daily affirmations, and instead of saying to yourself 'I am going to have a great day today' change it round and say 'I am having a great day today', 'I am making a difference to someones life today for the better' 'I am confident' 'I am beautiful', 'I am happy' 'I am feeling great' (and so on) It works- I promise!! If you start the day by rolling out of bed and thinking 'oh I hate work im dreading it', 'I feel exhausted and have no energy' .. guess what- that's exactly how you will feel- its all magik! You create your own reality. You attract if your day is going to be positive and productive and enjoyable. So take a few minutes each day to focus on how you want your day to be- and believe it!

 Crystal Baths/Showers

We all shower or bath on a regular basis (id like to hope :p)- so make it magikal by adding crystals! Pop your favourite crystals into your bath and their energies with radiate through the water and our bodies are literally bathing in this energy- a great way to start the day!

If only we all had a bath made out of crystal-  I can always hope!

Adding Magikal Intention Into Your Cooking

Food...we all love our food don't we- food is our fuel, its how our bodies run- so lets add magikal intent into our food when cooking. When preparing meals really focus on positive energy, healing energy, and love energies all going into what you are making. When we eat we absorb this energy into our bodies- if food is made in a rush with anger and frustration- its likely we may absorb these feeling when we eat the food. When making a cup of tea I usually start by stirring anti-clockwise and imagine all negativity disappearing, I banish all bad thoughts. I then stir clockwise imagining positive energy being infused into the drink- love, healing, prosperity.... its so easy and effective.

Don't just look- see!

We all look around at nature, as we drive to work, as we walk in the park and we stare out of our windows- but looking isn't always enough- really see what you are looking at, take a  minute to appreciate it. Once you start taking that extra second to really see a whole new world opens up. Look at the birds in the trees, look at the flowers in the garden, look at the wildlife, and the trees and the rocks.... That's when you start to get messages from nature. 


Music has such an incredible affect on us- its truly incredible. It can completely change the way we feel instantly... now that's powerful!! If you listen to gentle meditation music its likely you will feel relaxed and calm, if you listen to shamanic drumming you may feel the energy building up inside you until you feel you need to dance or sway or express yourself in some way. Its magikal. Pop a CD on on the way to work in your car- start the day with some gentle soft music, or songs you love. A CD with chants is also a good idea- I love to sing along to the chants whilst driving along- its fun, relaxing, connects you to the Goddess and raises energy at the same time- its a win win!!

You can add intent and magick into pretty much everything you do in your daily life- weather it be a hobby such as knitting or gardening, having a cup of tea or getting ready for work. Getting in these little habits will actually make a difference to your life- its worth giving it a go and see the results for yourself.  

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