Wednesday 24 July 2013

Mini Alters

Mini alters are such a great idea- I carry my Mini Alter in a little pouch wherever I go- its the perfect size to pop into my handbag. Mini Alters are also a great idea if you don't have space in your house for a full sized alter, if you don't have a permanent fixed alter or even for those who arn't so open with their path and wish to keep it more discreet.

My mini Alter

Mini alters consist of most of the things a full size alter would consist of- but in miniature. Its that simple. In my Mini Alter I have:

  • A mini Athame
  •  A mini Candle I made at candlemas to represent fire
  • A little pot of sage (not pictured)
  •  A mini chakra crystal set (also represents earth)
  • A mini container of water cleansed by the full moon (not pictured as it outside at present)
  • A mini incense stick to represent air
  • My representations of the goddess and god in the form of painted agate slices (I got these off Ebay and absolutely adore them),
  • There is also a white crystal and a black crystal to represent balance
  •  An evil eye bead for protection
  • A little Faerie
  • A silver pentacle (actually a pendant)
  • A small pewter bear (my familiar animal)
  • 2 wooden goddess figurines 
  • A piece of Amber  

There are still a few other pieces I would like to add such as a mini wand- but its in development :)

I would love to know if any of you have mini alters and what you like to carry around with you.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Crystals- Cleansing and Charging

Crystals have been one of my passions since I was a young child. What started as an attraction to their beauty developed into an appreciated for their great energies and properties. When I say beauty I don't necessarily mean the perfect polished crystal that has the least imperfections- what I mean is the ones that stand out for their natural beauty. I personally prefer rough natural crystals to polished ones as I can really feel their natural properties coming through.  Crystals can come in all shapes, sizes.... and prices!! But again its not always the most expensive that are the most effective. 

 Cleansing Crystals

The first thing to do when you get a crystal is to cleanse it. The crystal will have absorbed energies from anyone that has picked it up, it will then be stored inside the crystal- and these energies arn't always good ones! There are a number of ways to cleanse a crystal, but these are my preferred methods:
  • Place it under running water- ideally a natural source of running water such as a stream, but under a tap can work just fine. 
  • Pass it through incense- I usually place a row of crystals on top of my incense burner and as the incense stick burns down the crystals in turn get cleansed.
  • Place them under the moonlight- ideally on the full moon, they will become energized as well as cleansed.
  • Place them outside in the rain- during a thunder storm is ever better- I love this method!!
(Be careful with crystals like selenite when using any water method- as they don't like the water one bit, it breaks them down)

 Charging Crystals 

Next you can charge your crystals- different crystals have many associated properties, but a crystal can actually be programmed to your exact needs. For example, if you have a headache you can hold the crystal and empower it to help relieve headaches, visualise the crystal taking away the headache, tell the crystal it needs to relieve headaches, spend a little time focusing on this whilst holding the crystal...then sit back and watch it do its magik- place it on your forehead and away you go. Crystals that already have properties known to help relieve headaches (such as amethyst) will work even better. (that combined with your empowerment of the crystal= no need to drive to the shop for paracetamol...great stuff!) Crystals can be charged and empowered to do almost anything you wish- give it a try!

Crystals  come in all sorts of presentations- you can get rough pieces of Crystal, geode formations, crystal wands and crystal Jewellery (amongst many others). Crystal Jewellery is a great way to keep your crystal close throughout the day, point pendants are my favourite way to wear them. Below is my collection of crystal point pendants. (Top left-right) we have amethyst, aqua aura, a small fluorite and rose quartz. (bottom left-right)  moonstone, smokey quartz and an unknown black crystal- possibly jet or obsidian.

My crystal point pendants

Amethyst- this is a good all rounder. It is known to help addictions and sobriety as well as relieve headaches, stress and depression.

Aqua Aura- this is created by fusing together quartz and gold at very high heat and the combination of the two is very powerful. It works well with the throat chakra and aids speech and communication as well as being a very protective crystal.

Fluorite- is a really beautiful crystal with stunning colours of purple and green. It is a very balancing crystal and helps stabilise the aura. It helps us with decision making and helps boost the immune system. 

Rose quartz- is a very well known crystal and promotes love- in particular self love. Wear this to attract love, maintain love and appreciate love. Its one to always have close by.

Moonstone- is great for pregnancy and child birth- this pendant was actually worn by my sister when she gave birth to my nephew- who I proudly delivered! the labour went very smoothly indeed (thanks to the moonstone and the great midwife im sure ...and a little due to the hard work and bravery of my sister too :p) Being a midwife this is a great one for me to wear to work- if even a little of its energy reaches my patients then that's a bonus! 

Smokey quartz- was my very first crystal pendant and its extremely grounding. It also helps transform negative energies into positive ones. It is a stone of serenity and can leave a very calming and relaxed effect on the wearer. 

The last crystal I have is the little black unknown one. Black crystals are fantastic at absorbing negative feelings and emotions, they are usually very powerful crystals that have to be handled with care and cleansed very often due to the amount of negativity they absorb. 

 When I first started with crystals one of the methods I used (and still use) when I purchased new crystals it to close my eyes and select one, hold it and see how it makes me feel. This way you are not influenced by the look or colour of the crystal or what you perhaps have already read about what the properties of that particular crystal should be. Write them down and keep your own record- how a crystal works for one person may not necessarily be the same for another, so go with your own instincts. 

Often you are drawn to particular crystals that you need in your life at that present time- so take note, they might just be telling you something about yourself you didn't even realize.

Storing crystals

  • Its always worth having an amethyst cluster stored with your crystals as this naturally cleanses crystals around it.
  • Don't store them in direct sunlight- some crystals don't like this and can become very discolored.
  • don't hide them away in a dark drawer where you cant benefit from their energies- have them close by!

I could write for hours upon end about crystals but I would like to go into more detail on my individual crystals and their uses in future posts, so for now ill leave it at the crystal basics and hopefully it may have helped one or two of you who are new to crystals and crystal healing.

Moon Phases and Esbats

Moon Phases are very important in many Pagan Practices. The moon has more influence of us than most realize. The woman's menstrual cycle is highly influenced by the moon cycles (all you women out there try and monitor what stage of your cycle you are at when the moon is both New and when it is Full- you will see what I mean).  The moons energy is so strong that it affects and controls the tides of our great ocean- now thats strong!! I am very pro-active in trying to link science and spirituality together- and more times then not the link is closer than we realise. 

For those new to Moon cycles here is a very brief outline-  As the Moon grows in size it is known as the Waxing Moon. The Waxing moon grows to then become a Full moon. The moon then gets smaller in the sky and this is known as a Waning moon. The moon wanes untill you can no longer see it and then become a dark moon/or new moon. 


Esbats are the lunar celebrations in pagan practice. Celebrations and rituals are often held on both the full moon and the New/Dark moon. Have you ever looked up at a new moon and been overwhelmed but how you feel- its energy is so intense! An esbat is a time to honour and say thank you to the Goddess. Drawing down the moon is a practice also performed to draw the moons energy down into yourself. Esbat rituals can be as complex or simple as you like. I have been to beautiful Esbats celebrations at the Roll Right stone circle, but have also enjoyed just sitting in my Garden looking up at her beauty. 

Esbat dates 2013

January 27th- Wolf Moon
February 25th-Storm Moon
March27th- Hare Moon
April 25th- Seed Moon
May 25th- Dryad Moon
June 23th- Mead Moon
July 22nd- Herb Moon
August 21st- Barley Moon
September 19th- Harvest moon
October 18th- Hunters Moon
November 17th- Snow Moon
December 17th- Oak Moon

Other things you can do on the Esbats-
  • Making Esbat cookies- I purchased a little moon shaped cookie cutter off Ebay for about 50p. Whilst baking them try to imagine them being infused with the moons power and energies. 
  • Put your crystals outside- they will become super cleansed and absorb the moons powerful energy.
  • Make a list of everything you wish to achieve over the next moon cycle. I then out it outside held down by a rock or stone.

The New moon is great for starting new ventures or beginning something new. This is the perfect time to start that healthy eating programme you have been on about for weeks, or start giving to charity, or look into doing some volentary work perhaps. Anything new you choose to do will be greatly supported by the moon energies at this time.
There is debate about the term New moon and Dark moon. Some (including myself) use it interchangeably. Some see the dark moon as the time when the moon is not visible in the sky- and use this as a time for preparation for the magik to be performed of the New moon when a slither of light appears in the sky. It varies greatly depending on tradition or personal opinion.

The waxing moon is an ideal time for bring things towards you or manifesting things into your life. This is the perfect time for love magik or for growth and development.

Magick to increase personal gain is popular at this time- for prosperity and good fortune perhaps. This is not a selfish thing- as long as you are harming no-one then go for it!

The full Moons energy's are very powerful and will support most kinds of Magik. This time is perfect to strengthen your psychic abilities. The full moon and the 3 days following are the most effective in performing most Magick.

The full moon has such an aura of mystery and beauty- it can be enjoyed by people from many cultures and practices besides paganism.

 The waning moon is the time to get rid of all the negative things, its a time for banishing's for clearing out and making for for newer better things to come with the next moon cycle.

The waning moon is a time to release or reverse. Have a monthly clear out- get rid of any old clothes or items you no longer use, bag them up and take them to a charity shop maybe! The good will might just leave room other some good will to be returned to you to fill its place...

Celebrating the Esbats can be so fun and fulfilling and it can be so simple to do. Spend time outside connecting with her and appreciating her beauty...and you will quickly see the benefits in your life.

The Goddess and my beliefs

Prior to my path of paganism I had always rejected the idea of any God or Goddess that I had been introduced to. I had assumed at school that the Religious education lessons would give me enough scope to decide if religion was something that was a part of my life. I had no connection with anything I was ever taught but I knew that there was something more. I had always been connected with nature and would try to explain to people how I believed the actual physical earth to be something that I connected with on a spiritual level. At this stage I had never heard of the term paganism and had no idea that my feelings and beliefs were so closely linked to such an amazing set of religions. 

After discovering paganism the reading commenced and I was overwhelmed by the numberous deities assosiated with different pantheons. I purchased the biggest book in the world telling the stories of the myths and legends behind them. I unnecessarily pressured myself into choosing a goddess and choosing a god and was thrown back when it just wasnt feeling right. I think alot of people new to the path of paganism can assosiate with this- trying to cram too much into too little time, read too many books and feel the need to know everything about every God or Godess. 

My painting of how I view the Goddess
For me this was a time of realization- I knew I didn't connect with any particular goddess, god or pantheon, for me my beliefs are all about the Earth and Mother Nature. I look to 'Gaia' as my goddess, and I find reassurance in seeing her every day in the seasons, in the weather, in beautiful flowers or in a gust of wind. This is such a simple but effective way of viewing the divine, but it works perfectly for me. 

For me the goddesses and gods we see pictures of in books are how we personify the different aspects or different faces of the one overall divine source. A huge entity that surrounds us in every rock, stone, field and pasture. Mother nature herself. 

I still find myself calling upon different Goddesses for different things- but to me this is calling on one particular aspect of Mother Nature. For example I may call upon Bridget for work related issues (as I am a Midwife and she is the Goddess of midwifery) She is the aspect of mother nature that is fertility, pregnancy and birth. 

Every Pagan will view the great Goddess in many different ways and that's the beauty of paganism- you are free to chose your path and select what feels right for you. 

Wheel of the Year and the Sabats

The wheel of the year describes the cycle of the seasons. Throughout this cycle there are 8 main celebrations called 'Sabats'. Sabats are celebrated to honor the god and the process of birth, life, death and re-birth. 

Pagans often celebrate their New year at Samhain. (31st October) Samhain is more commonly celebrated as 'Halloween'. Millions go out dressed in capes and hats without really realizing the origin of the celebration.

It has become very commercialised in recent years- it therefore is important for us to uphold our traditions and beliefs and to educate others when possible. Samhain is a time to pay respects and celebrate the lives of our loved ones who have passed on. It is believed that on this day the veil between the two worlds is at its very thinnest- so some like to use this opportunity to communicate with friends or relatives who are no longer with us.
Scrying and divination is very effective at this time of year.

Yule or Winter Solstice (21st December) is a where the return of the sun is celebrated. The legend of the holly and oak king tells how from midsummer to midwinter the Holly king rules the land (hence the connection with holly used at Christmas time). From midwinter through to midsummer as the light returns- the Oak king then regains his reign over the land. Both kings are just different faces of the one Sungod sometimes looked at as brothers.  At yule the Oak king is re-born. Traditions include the decorating of a yule log, decorating a yule tree, kissng under the misletoe, and exchanging gifts.

Often covens may re-enact the battle between the Holly King and the Oak King

Imbolc or Candlemas (February 2nd) actually translates to 'in the belly' or 'ewes milk' and refers to the start of spring and the birth of new things. The Strength of the sun god continues to grow.

The Celtic Goddess Briget is often honoured at this time- she is the goddess of poetry, of healing...and of midwifery! Traditionally many candles are lit at this celebration to welcome in the spring. Throughout the year I try to save up all the leftover candle wax to be melted down and made into new fresh candles for the year ahead (just a little something I enjoy doing myself).

Ostara or Spring Equinox (March 21st-22nd) is named after the goddess Eostre- the Goddess of spring and fertility.

This is a perfect time for anything fertility related- from sowing seeds to starting a family. The goddess Eostre was often pictured with a rabbit or a hare at her side- which has been adopted in more recent years to give us our all famous 'Easter Bunny'. Due to the link with fertility- the Egg is also one of the Goddess Eostre's symbols- which has also been taken on to bring us our 'Easter Eggs'. The female fertility hormone Estrogen also originates from her name. 

Popular crafts at this celebration include painting Ostara Eggs and potting plants to be given away as gifts. 

Beltane (April 30th-May1st) is also known as 'May day'. It is a festival of union- and commonly handfastings (pagan equivalent to marriages) are performed.  The legend now tells how the young god has grown and matured into a man- where the goddess and the god now become united as lovers. Maypoles and maypole dancing are very common traditions at this time of year. The weaving of the ribbons reinforces the unity between male and female.  

Maypole at Dovedale Camp

Litha/Summer Solstice (21st-22nd June) is the time of the year where the sun god is most powerful. This is the longest day of the year- and with the sun gods peak, the threat of returning to the darkness is looming and the reign is handed over to his brother the Holly King. It is tradition to stay up on the eve of the solstice to watch the sunrise. Bonfires are sometimes lit to represent the light and heat of the sun at this peak time.

Lammas (August 1st/2nd) was the very first Sabat I ever celebrated so it always stands out as being special for me. I performed my very first ritual and self dedication on Lammas so it holds a special place in my heart. Lammas is all about the harvest and the gathering of the crops.

The story goes that the Sun god sacrifices his power to the healthy growth of the crops leaving him weakened- and dieing- a self sacrifice for other to survive. Often corn dollies are made, and fruit and vegetables are gathered and placed on the alter. Making Lammas bread is another tradition- and I have had some fun with this one (my baking skills leave much to be desired). I like to go berry picking and spend time in nature appreciating what mother earth provides for us. I always become motivated to eat everything fresh rather than processed and find myself looking to local markets rather than supermarkets. 

Mabon (september 21st-23rd) is the autumn equinox and the second harvest. At this time there is equal day and equal night and a time to give thanks for the harvest we have received. The leaves begin to change colour and natures beauty is to be appreciated at this time by spending time outside. At mabon we mourn the sun god as he begins to weaken and fade away- but rejoice for what he has brought us and have faith in his return.

....the cycle then repeats itself, and is on going. The cycle of birth followed by death followed by re-birth. 

Monday 22 July 2013

Tools and Magik

What is Magik?

Magick is the art of transformation, of creation and of manifestation. We all have to ability to perform Magik if we have enough self belief. Magik is not the same as the 'magic' a magician would perform when pulling a rabbit out of a hat. Real Magik is all about the mind and how it can be used to shape reality and create all sorts of desired outcomes.

The religion of Wicca teaches the one rule 'And it harm none...' to always be applied to any kind of Magik performed. Although I don't follow the Wiccan path entirely- you just cant go wrong with this rule. Don't intentionally hurt anyone- that's all. Whatever you put out there into the universe will come back to you- its the law of attraction. The law of attraction is another very interesting subject in itself- which I wont dive into quite yet, but for me it links very closely with Magik and manifestation. The law of attraction looks at the belief combined with science that 'like attracts like', everything is made up of energy- even our thoughts, energy attracts other like energy- hence a positive thought will attract positive things, a spell focused on achieving career success will attract career success, and in the same way a spell to do harm may just bring that harm back upon yourself! 

 Tools are aids to help Magik manifest. I believe that tools are not essential to performing Magik- it is all about the mind. But if you have them tools can be extremely helpful in helping the Magik to manifest- they intensify it! Tools don't have to be expensive items- tools you have found of made often have more of your personal energy attached to them and therefore are more effective. 

The Wand

I will start off with one of the most well know tools- used often by our good pal' Harry Potter and his mates....The Wand!! The wand is a tool used to direct our energies. Unfortunately we don't see the sparks fly out of the end like in the films- but the principle is pretty similar. Our energy is pulsed through the wand and directed at whatever intent we have. 

 Tips on finding your perfect wand
  • The wand should be approx the length from the tip of your finger to your elbow- but go with whatever feels right.
  • Hand made wands tend to be more effective- find a piece of branch on the floor that attracts your attention (avoid breaking it off a living tree- there are plenty lying around that are just longing to be transformed into wands!)
  • Try to find one that comes to a natural point 
  • Then  the rest it personal preference, you can use it au natural or sand it down, varnish it, stick crystals onto it.... get creative! 
Wands purchased from a shop can also be very effective-  when i spotted my favourite wand in the cabinet of a crystal shop I thought 'wow- I have to have that'... I was just so drawn to it. I couldn't quite justify the money for it that month so I ended up purchasing its baby sister (pictured below) and the following month returned to get the one I fell in love with- and I still find it to be such a wonderful wand, just perfect for me. 

My Wands

The Athame

My Athames
The Athame is a ceremonial dagger- usually with a black handle. It is a ritual tool often used within the religion of Wicca amongst other pagan practices and religions. Similar to the wand the Athame is used to direct energy and represents the magical element of fire. 

I have two Athames- the wooden one was the first I owned but I never really connected with it so I searched around until I found the black handled one- it was just what I was looking for and a perfect size. You can spend nothing at all or serious amounts of money on these tools- but again its not always the most expensive that will be the most effective- it can often be quite the opposite.

The Chalice

The Chalice is similar to a goblet- often used in ritual to carry water, wine or an offering to the goddess/god. It represents the Goddess and her womb- a symbol of fertility. 

Some people like very fancy jewelled chalices, others prefer a simple cup. I got the one pictured to the left at the Mercian Gathering Camp for a bargain price of £2.00!

I find the colour silver to be perfect for a chalice due to the association the goddess/moon.

The cauldron

Typically the Cauldron is made from cast iron and stands on 3 legs. It is also representative of the goddess, her womb and fertility. 

Larger cauldrons can be made to make brews and herbal tinctures. As much as I would love a big cauldron in the kitchen- I think my other (non pagan) half may have something to say about that- so my compromise is this little miniature cauldron pictured to the right. Its a perfect size for me and I use it mainly to burn incense. Just place a charcoal cube in the bottom, light it and leave for a minute or two- then sprinkle on your herbs and away you go- fabulous home made incense! It can also be used for scrying with water/ink, or to hold candles- a tool with many uses!


Candles are brilliant tools- candle Magik is one of the most powerful forms of Magik for me. 
One of the simplest spells to perform is simply carving your desire into the candle and then lighting it and watching it burn down- focusing on your intent as it burns. 
Candle scrying is also very effective- stare into the flame and let go of all thoughts. After a while you will start to see things within the flame and smoke- letters, pictures, names.

Different candle colours have different uses and meanings.

  •  I find white is quite universal- and if you are short of colours a white will usually be a good stand in. 
  • Black is great for banishing and ridding of negativity. 
  • Blue is perfect for healing
  • Pink is excellent for romance and love 
  • Silver is for connecting with the Goddess
  •  Use gold  for connecting with the God

The Pentacle

The pentacle is something I wish to cover in more detail in future blog posts, but in summary the pentagram is an extremely powerful symbol and can also be used as a tool. Due to the media this symbol often has very negative connotations and for people who are not educated about its meaning it can conjure ideas of evil and 'the devil'. The symbol is actually has a very opposite meaning- each point represent one of our sacred elements- earth, air, fire, water and spirit. It is a very powerful symbol often worn by pagan members as a means of protection. 

 The Broom/Besom

 The Broom or besom has been adopted by the media to show witches flying around cackling as they glide through the nights sky. I have to say im a little gutted that isn't really the case- I would save a fortune in petrol!!! The besom is actually a tool used to sweep away negative energy and to cleanse and clear a space, often prior to or after a ritual. 

The Bell

The bell is sometimes used in ritual to begin or end the rite. It can also be used to invoke the goddess or god.

The vibrations of a bell when rang are known to be very powerful and cleansing. I remember watching a you-tube video that advised when your home has that 'stagnant' dull feeling and you cant quite place why- go round ringing a bell, ring it in every room across all the walls and into all of the corners- I was so surprised at how much this actually works! The vibrations really stir up all that stagnant energy!!

The Book of Shadows 

Left to Right- My newest BOS, My first BOS

The book of shadows is a private place where you can write down all of the important things relating to your craft or beliefs. It can include spells that work, chants, poems, information on herbs, crystals, tools, dream analysis, meditations- absolutely anything relevant to your beliefs. My first BOS turned out to be more of a notebook-  but that is fine- its only for you to refer back to, and you shouldn't be forced to show it to anyone.

There are many many more tools to be covered but in fear of this becoming too long winded I will leave it with those for this post. As I said at the start I don't feel any of these tools are essential to perform ritual or magik but they can certainly aid it and help it on its way!! Again I want to throw in here that these are only my opinions and I by all means do now know everything about these tools/items- just from what I have experienced myself. If anyone else has any differing opinions I would love to hear them- I am always looking to learn new things and expand my knowledge! 

Sunday 21 July 2013


Meditation can conjure images of people sitting cross legged in some uncomfortable looking lotus position for hours on end trying to think clear their minds.
In actual fact meditation is extremely diverse and is not only used for spiritual benefit but can be used to benefit medical problems,  psychological issues, sports, and is extremely helpful to people who suffer from stress or anxiety disorders. It also has many physiological benefits.

There are many many different definitions for meditation, and to sum the practice up in a sentence or paragraph is extremely challenging. When I very first started becoming interested in meditation, I read on numerous occasions about meditation being the art of being able to bring your mind into a complete state of 'thoughtless consciousness'. Now perhaps its just me, but I had some serious issues with trying to bring my mind into a state without thoughts- the more I would try to create a 'thoughtless' mind the more my little mind would start racing- half the time thinking about why I couldn't clear my thoughts- then I would find myself thinking about what I could cook for tea, if the weather is going to be good at the weekend, or if I should paint my nails pink or was a never ending annoying circle!! This is where I would recommend guided meditations to begin with. I joined a Meditation group and every Tuesday we would do a guided meditation for numerous different benefits- to meet spirit guides, familiar animals, healing, or even just for relaxation. 

Becoming accustomed to meditation this way gave me the confidence to meditate on my own- to embrace the crazy thoughts coming into my head- and then let them go- its all part of meditation. I am almost sure no one can simply sit down and instantly clear every thought from their minds- that's why they practice meditation in the first place!

One of the first guided meditations I used was this Chakra Meditation on you-tube, it took me forever to find one I liked as I would either find them too short, too long or I would find their voices incredibly annoying. 

This one seemed to be just perfect and I still use it frequently.

 So what benefits can meditation give? 
 There are many many benefits and they depend on the individual.
  • Meditation can bring about healing of the mind, the body and the soul. 
  • The increased air flow to the lungs has been proven to help regulate blood pressure. 
  • Helps sleep problems
  • Helps relieve pain
  • Stress hormones are reduced
  • Increased sense of well-being
  • Healing of the mind 
  • Physical healing
  • Balancing of the Chakras
  • Communication and connection with your higher self
  • Improved attention and better memory
  • Help gain perspective on a particular situation
The above are just a fraction of the numerous benefits meditation can have for the individual!

So what to do if your a newbie to mediation...

Firstly get comfortable- this is the number one most essential thing, if your not comfy its just not gunna happen!! Many people like to sit in a chair, some like the well known lotus position, I personally prefer to lie down. I usually just lie on my bed- but if possible I find meditation is greatly assisted by being outside in mother nature- lying on the grass or on a beach is perfect. 

I hold crystals- this is not essential but is just a personal preference for me. Selentine is my ultimate favorite crystal to assist meditation, I usually hold a senenite palm stone in each hand- but again this is just personal preference to help me focus. 

Selenite Palm Stones

I have found that holding a crystal and focusing on the feel of the energy radiating from the Crystal helps clear my mind of the racing thoughts I used to experience. As you practice more often you will be able to feel the pulse of energy and focusing on this will really help you enter a state of full relaxation. 

Now you can go either of two ways with the next bit- you can either go with the guided meditation I have linked above (or another of your choice) and away you go, listen to the words, the sounds, see how it makes you feel, what it makes you think. .... Or you can simply focus within. I used the ten breath technique. I take a deep breath in and as I exhale focus on completely and totally feeling my feet get heavy and relaxed, on the next breath I repeat for my entire legs, then my pelvis, my abdomen and so on until my whole body is so relaxed I can hardly feel it. The trick here I have found is not to move, the more still you become the more effective this part is. 

 Next I like to imagine that I am surrounded in a bubble of  white light, and as I inhale I
visualize the light filling my lungs, going down into my arms and fingers, my legs and toes and every little cell. As I exhale I visualize any negativity as a dark grey smoke leaving my body each time I breathe out. Eventually I get to the stage where I feel there is no more grey negativity left just all the glistening light then I have inhaled- and I know I am fully cleansed!

Focus on how each part of your body feels as is relaxes, become aware of your body and what it is telling you- and listen to it. Our mind and bodies are so complex and clever and we are all guilty of not listening to what it is telling us subconsciously- meditation is the perfect time to listen to it!!

I am by no means a meditation pro and am still discovering more of the benefits as I practice but I hope these few tips may help anyone who is new to meditation. Give it a go and hopefully you will begin to see the benefits yourselves! 

Friday 19 July 2013

Merry Meet!!


Merry meet all!! I thought it would make sense for my first blog post to be a little about myself and what to expect from this blog. My name is Louise- or Amber Rose to my pagan pals, I am 25 years old and live in the West Midlands, UK. After much thought I have decided to start a Pagan related blog- to share my journey and learn from others- hopefully meeting other new like minded people along the way. Paganism has been a part of my life for many years- before I even realized it myself. When I was younger I used to spend hours sitting in the garden at night staring at the sky in fascination- my family worried I was a little 'different' but I was causing no harm so let me get on with it. In my early teens I became interested in crystals. Every year since I was a baby my family would have a weeks holiday down in the New Forest- It always has the strangest feeling of 'being home' whenever I am there. The beautiful little village of Burley was where I purchased my first set of crystals from my favorite little shop 'coven of witches'.

 The beautiful village of Burley, New Forest.
 I returned every year and my collection of crystals along with my knowledge about them gradually increased. In my later teens I remember having a conversation about religion and trying desperately to explain what I believed- but I couldn't place it in any of the mainstream religions. I started reading and came across paganism and Wicca- I was in awe, I was so excited, everything I was reading what how I had always felt. I didn't feel like I was reading it all for the first time- I felt like I was being reminded.... I honestly felt like a weight had been lifted and a huge gap in my life filled. For a couple of years I continued to read lots, ordering books off Amazon and trying to hide them from my family and friends in fear of what they would think. Then gradually as I became more confident in what I believed I started leaving the odd 'mother nature' book around, or 'earth magic' to prompt a few questions. Gradually I opened up and enjoyed sharing my beliefs- I even got my dad interested in crystals and he has a small collection now himself! (he has some pretty expensive fancy ones i'm even a little jealous of myself :p) I am now totally open with my family about my path and am happy to leave my alter, wands, Athame and other tools out for them to see. If they laugh- I educate them- and often they are thrown back by the answers and explanations I give.

Me at the Mercian Gathering

Initially I felt myself swayed towards the religion of Wicca. The material I read was primarily Wiccan, I watched you tube videos from the lovely 'charmingpixieflora' and 'witchontheroccks' amongst others and was inspired by them. At this point in my later teens I started practicing solitary witchcraft. Initially I would lock myself away in my bedroom and spend hours researching on the internet and writing in my book of shadows. I had purchased all of the basic tools I felt I needed off the internet and felt empowered and blissfully happy with the way I felt afterwards. The only thing missing at this point was my desire to meet with other like-minded people and to be part of the pagan community- it can be a very lonely path to start out on. I joined forums and got chatting too a few fellow pagans and it was such a joy for me to be able to talk about my interests and ask questions first hand. I had so many questions spinning around in my head that books cannot always answer. One day I was in one of the 'witchy shops' when I ended up getting chatting to a man who introduced me to his small coven and I ended up becoming a member, meeting some of the most lovely friends imaginable. I had some fabulous times with them, visiting the roll rights, celebrating the Sabbats and the Esbats and enjoyed being part of a pagan family. Unfortunately the coven have now gone their separate ways and I am working solitary again- but I have made some friends for life that I love and adore. The Coven were not a 'wiccan' coven- they were a coven of witches who practiced witchcraft. They opened my eyes to the significant different between the two (which I will go into more detail about in future blog posts) but as I developed my knowledge I cut away from the path of 'wicca' and felt more comfortable and connected with the craft itself combined with other areas of paganism. I joined a Heathernry meditation group- which again expanded my knowledge outside Wicca and Witchcraft and gave me the incentive to explore all areas of paganism in more detail. I attended a few different moots and again met some amazing friends. 

My beliefs has changed alot over the years and I believe this is healthy in a spiritual path. I used to try and do everything 'by the book' so to speak, but now lean more towards doing things that feel right- I have pretty much ditched the books as resources as deep down I know I already have the knowledge inside me.

I have attended a few pagan camp such as the well know Mercian Gathering, and absolutely adore the atmosphere there. Finally a place where I can relax and totally be myself without fear of any judgement. Drumming and chanting around the fire is such an empowering experience- like nothing I had ever imagined. Camping in the middle of nature with the friendly bunch of people you will ever meet is why I look forward to camps all year long.

So that intro was slight longer than I had expected (and that was in a nutshell) apologies :) I look forward to hearing from you all, I have made so many wonderful friends along this path and look forward to meeting many more! Please Subscribe and feel free to email me or leave comments!