Friday 27 September 2013


I am going to include a list of the herbs I am most familiar with and include both the magical and medicinal benefits where appropriate. 

Acorns- Prosperity

Amber- Happiness, Reassurance

Allspice- Lust, Diabetes, Stomach aches

Bay leaves- Psychic-abilities, Divination, Money, Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Anti-viral

Basil- Protection of the home, Divination, Anti-inflammatory, Reduces high blood-pressure, Reduces high blood sugar, Oily skin.

Benzoin- Astral travel 

Bergamot- Fertility, Prosperity,  Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Hayfever, Nasal-Congestion
Black Pepper-  Banishing negativity, Antispasmodic, Anti-oxidant, Stimulant

Chamomile- Sleep, Relaxation, Aching muscles, Acne, Asthma, Hayfever, Morning sickness

Cloves- Visions, Bereavement, Wealth, Pain Killer

Chives- Weight-loss, Aneamia, Colds, Digestion 

Dandelion- Contacting the spirit world

Dragons blood- Protection

Echinacea- Healing, Flu, Colds, Allergies, Anti-inflammatory, Antiviral, Asthma, Earache

Eucalyptus- Healing, Decongestant, Mosquito-repellant

Frankincense- Healing, Cleansing, Protection 

Garlic- Home Blessing, Protection, Antioxidants, Reduces Blood pressure, Cholesterol

Hawthorn- Fertility

Hemp- Meditation

Hibiscus- Love, Divination, Blood pressure, Cholesterol, High in vitamin C
Holly- Luck and protection

Jasmine- Love, Money, Spiritual growth, Anti- depressant, Dry skin 

Lavender- Happiness, peace, relaxation, Depression, Anxiety, Pain killer, Anti-bacterial, Anti-depressant, Antiseptic, Bruises 

Lemon- Friendship,  Anti-inflammatory, Anti- oxidant, Antiseptic, High blood pressure

Mistletoe- Youth, Beauty

Myrrh- Fertility, Youth, Use as a mouthwash to fight bacteria

Nettle- Protection, Exorcism, Diuretic, Aneamia, Arthritis, Exzema, Urinary-problems
Oak- Fertility, Health

 Orris- Love

Patchouli- To break or remove a spell 

Pine- Fertility, Money

 Rosemary- Beauty, Colds, Immunity, Alzheimers, Anti-depressant, Antiseptic

Rose buds- Passion, Love

Rose hips- Luck, Anti-depressant, Anti-inflammatory, Antiseptic, Antiviral

Rowan- Psychic-awareness, Success

Sage- Cleansing, Wishes, Wisdom, Protection, Hot flushes, Menopause, Mouth ulcers

Sandlewood- Removes negative energies 

Thistle- Strength

Turmeric- Purification, Alzheimers, Depression, Weight-management, Liver Deoxifier

Valerian- Relaxation, Sleep, Sedative

Vervain- Love, Peace, Protection, Money, Healing, Youth 

Willow- Divination

White willow bark- Protection, Love, Healing, Divination, Pain Killer

Yarrow- Courage, Menstruation, Varicous veins, Wound healing

Ylang Ylang- Inner calm, peace.

The content of this post is not intended as medical advice- it is for magikal reference only. please seek advice from your medical practitioner before using any of the above (especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding) as there are certain contraindications for each herb.

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