Sunday 21 July 2013


Meditation can conjure images of people sitting cross legged in some uncomfortable looking lotus position for hours on end trying to think clear their minds.
In actual fact meditation is extremely diverse and is not only used for spiritual benefit but can be used to benefit medical problems,  psychological issues, sports, and is extremely helpful to people who suffer from stress or anxiety disorders. It also has many physiological benefits.

There are many many different definitions for meditation, and to sum the practice up in a sentence or paragraph is extremely challenging. When I very first started becoming interested in meditation, I read on numerous occasions about meditation being the art of being able to bring your mind into a complete state of 'thoughtless consciousness'. Now perhaps its just me, but I had some serious issues with trying to bring my mind into a state without thoughts- the more I would try to create a 'thoughtless' mind the more my little mind would start racing- half the time thinking about why I couldn't clear my thoughts- then I would find myself thinking about what I could cook for tea, if the weather is going to be good at the weekend, or if I should paint my nails pink or was a never ending annoying circle!! This is where I would recommend guided meditations to begin with. I joined a Meditation group and every Tuesday we would do a guided meditation for numerous different benefits- to meet spirit guides, familiar animals, healing, or even just for relaxation. 

Becoming accustomed to meditation this way gave me the confidence to meditate on my own- to embrace the crazy thoughts coming into my head- and then let them go- its all part of meditation. I am almost sure no one can simply sit down and instantly clear every thought from their minds- that's why they practice meditation in the first place!

One of the first guided meditations I used was this Chakra Meditation on you-tube, it took me forever to find one I liked as I would either find them too short, too long or I would find their voices incredibly annoying. 

This one seemed to be just perfect and I still use it frequently.

 So what benefits can meditation give? 
 There are many many benefits and they depend on the individual.
  • Meditation can bring about healing of the mind, the body and the soul. 
  • The increased air flow to the lungs has been proven to help regulate blood pressure. 
  • Helps sleep problems
  • Helps relieve pain
  • Stress hormones are reduced
  • Increased sense of well-being
  • Healing of the mind 
  • Physical healing
  • Balancing of the Chakras
  • Communication and connection with your higher self
  • Improved attention and better memory
  • Help gain perspective on a particular situation
The above are just a fraction of the numerous benefits meditation can have for the individual!

So what to do if your a newbie to mediation...

Firstly get comfortable- this is the number one most essential thing, if your not comfy its just not gunna happen!! Many people like to sit in a chair, some like the well known lotus position, I personally prefer to lie down. I usually just lie on my bed- but if possible I find meditation is greatly assisted by being outside in mother nature- lying on the grass or on a beach is perfect. 

I hold crystals- this is not essential but is just a personal preference for me. Selentine is my ultimate favorite crystal to assist meditation, I usually hold a senenite palm stone in each hand- but again this is just personal preference to help me focus. 

Selenite Palm Stones

I have found that holding a crystal and focusing on the feel of the energy radiating from the Crystal helps clear my mind of the racing thoughts I used to experience. As you practice more often you will be able to feel the pulse of energy and focusing on this will really help you enter a state of full relaxation. 

Now you can go either of two ways with the next bit- you can either go with the guided meditation I have linked above (or another of your choice) and away you go, listen to the words, the sounds, see how it makes you feel, what it makes you think. .... Or you can simply focus within. I used the ten breath technique. I take a deep breath in and as I exhale focus on completely and totally feeling my feet get heavy and relaxed, on the next breath I repeat for my entire legs, then my pelvis, my abdomen and so on until my whole body is so relaxed I can hardly feel it. The trick here I have found is not to move, the more still you become the more effective this part is. 

 Next I like to imagine that I am surrounded in a bubble of  white light, and as I inhale I
visualize the light filling my lungs, going down into my arms and fingers, my legs and toes and every little cell. As I exhale I visualize any negativity as a dark grey smoke leaving my body each time I breathe out. Eventually I get to the stage where I feel there is no more grey negativity left just all the glistening light then I have inhaled- and I know I am fully cleansed!

Focus on how each part of your body feels as is relaxes, become aware of your body and what it is telling you- and listen to it. Our mind and bodies are so complex and clever and we are all guilty of not listening to what it is telling us subconsciously- meditation is the perfect time to listen to it!!

I am by no means a meditation pro and am still discovering more of the benefits as I practice but I hope these few tips may help anyone who is new to meditation. Give it a go and hopefully you will begin to see the benefits yourselves! 

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